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Sleep disorders increase the risk of heart attack

New Delhi: Adults suffering from sleep disorders have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease. This is shown by a recent study conducted in China. The results show that it is very important to take sleep problems seriously and to treat them.
The risk was nine percent higher for people who did not sleep well and seven percent higher for people who woke up early in the morning. Those who had concentration problems during the day due to sleep disorders were 13 percent more likely to develop strokes or heart disease.
Dr. Liming Li of Beijing University reported: “The link between the symptoms of insomnia and these diseases was more in younger adults. The results suggest that we can later reduce the number of cases of stroke, heart attack, and other diseases by treating the sleep problems of people with behavioral therapies.
For the study, 487,200 Chinese aged 51 on average were interviewed. Eleven percent said they had difficulty falling asleep or sleeping through, ten percent woke up too early and two percent suffered from a lack of concentration during the day. These people were then observed for an average of 10 years. In this time it came to 130,032 strokes, heart attacks, and comparable incidents.