- Demo


Departmental exams in Himachal to be conducted from 13 September

A spokesperson of H.P. Board of Departmental Examinations informed here today that the departmental examinations for all categories of officers and officials would be conducted from 13th to 20th September, 2021 at College of Excellence, Sanjauli, Shimla.

The spokesperson said that arrangements for the conduct of paper-1 i.e. Financial Administration have also been made at Government Degree College Dharamashala and Government Senior Secondary (Girls) School Mandi on 13th September, 2021.

The roll numbers to all eligible candidates have been issued by HP Board of Departmental Examination. All candidates are requested to check their PMIS accounts for download and print of their roll numbers. The roll numbers of candidates belonging to HP Board of School Education and HP State Electricity Board have been sent by post and can also check their roll numbers on HIPA’s website.

The candidates are allowed only reference books, bare acts and departmental manuals and text books, help books and guides would not be allowed. Use of mobile phones inside the examination hall would not be allowed and disobeying of instructions would be taken as use of unfair means.  

The candidates are required to bring a Covid-19 vaccination certificate or RT PCR negative report issued not later than 72 hours from the time of examination.